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St. Canice's Primary School, Feeny

Retirement Mass for Mrs Devine & Damian McDaid

27th Jun 2024

We had a great evening celebrating Mrs. Devine's retirement, after 34 years service to the school as Vice Principal & teacher & Damian McDaid's retirement, after 13 years as caretaker.  We thank them both for all their years of commitment & dedication to the school community. We will miss them and wish them all the best for their retirement!

Thank you to everyone who took part in the mass - children, parents, governors and past pupils. Thank you to Maeve for leading the choir and the beautiful singing from our amazing choir. Thank you to Fr. Micheal for celebrating a lovely mass. Thank you to all our staff for the beautiful displays and preparations for the evening. Thanks to Nuala and the staff in Claudy kitchen for the refreshments.