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St. Canice's Primary School, Feeny

Work for Wednesday 8 January

8th Jan 2025

All work has also been posted in Google Classroom.

P1 work for today:

Keep going over sounds and keywords. 

Try to write some sentences about the snow and the fun you had yesterday.

Read your Big Cat book.

Pick an activity from Mathletics and Reading Eggs.

Have fun in the snow - try to make the best snowman!

Primary 2

Write a sentence for each of your spellings:   man, can, fan, tan, pan, ran, van.
Use 'post its' or small pieces of paper to make your words, like we did in class on Monday. Write each letter on a separate small piece of paper and then change the first letter to make a new word e.g. have 'an' written and add 'c' to the front of 'an'. What word does it make? Add 'm' to the front of 'an'.  What word does it make? and so on.

Write all the ways you can add up to 15 e.g. 10 + 5 =15 use pencils, counters or small objects to help you count if needed.

Read your book and draw me a picture about you favourite part.

Continue on with Reading Eggs, Fast Phonics & Mathletics.  I will be looking to see who has earned a certificate!

Do all homework in your homework book and I will mark it when you bring it in.

Thank you!

Primary 3

Spelling Unit Pg 13:2 +13:3

Mathletics Set Tasks: Comparing numbers to 100 + Counting in 5's

Reading Eggs: Next Map 

Reading Book: Revise story, draw a picture and write a few sentences to summarise. (Complete in red homework book)

Primary 4/5

Please write a short book review on a book of your choosing into your homework jotter. Think about the characters, what the story is about, who you would recommend the book to (e.g boys/girls/age), what is your favourite part and draw a picture. 

Play hit the button to practice number bonds, doubles and P5  the 9 times tables for this week. P5 - here is the link to practice 9 times table song

P4 reading day- Please finish your novel/BigCat/Oxford Reading tree book.

P5- Novel reading for tomorrow.


Primary 6/7

Good morning everyone, tasks for today are:

- continue with reading books and complete any AR quizzes.

- 9x tables: hit the button, Mathletics

- Write three paragraphs on your trip to the Ulster American folk park.

Primary 7- Confirmation online preparation from 10-12pm

P7 Confirmation.

The Online Preparation second session is on today Confirmation Online Preparation Sessions 7th – 10th January 2025 from 10am-12pm

We look forward to schools joining us online in January for the Confirmation Preparation Sessions via the webcam at St Eugene’s Cathedral Hall. St Eugene's Cathedral, Derry Diocese

Attached is the Booklet to accompany the programme

Reminder swimming will hopefully begin tomorrow so remember to bring in permission slips, money and swimming gear.