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St. Canice's Primary School, Feeny

Learning Together, Stronger Together

Mission Statement

To create a happy, caring, secure and stimulating learning environment in which all members of this Catholic school community can grow spiritually, emotionally, socially and academically so that they can make their best contribution to society.

School Aims
As a Catholic school we aim to:

  • Promote a Catholic ethos by creating a safe, happy, stimulating environment which provides for the needs, abilities and backgrounds of all our children.
  • Promote Pastoral Care, incorporating fairness, respect, compassion and tolerance, which will develop self-confidence, self-esteem, self-discipline and independence.
  • Promote effective learning through the provision of a broad and balanced curriculum, which provides children with the opportunity to achieve their full potential within a variety of contexts.
  • Promote strong links with home, parish and the wider community, developing a sense of citizenship and a respect for others.
  • We are very proud of our Paths Model School status (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) and this is evident throughout the whole School. Child have really developed emotionally and are more able to cope with transfer to secondary school and the real world!